MSA Association
Officially Recognised by:
International Muay Thai Federation UK
International Muay Thai Federation Worldwide
A.I.M.T.A. Association Institute of Thai Martial Art
Thai Culture Forum UK
For Muay Thai for Associate Clubs & Instructors Forma S.I.M.T.A Sitnarong International Muay Thai Association

For Muay Thai for Associate Members Clubs & Instructors
Muay Thai Courses - Gradings -Certification -Muay Thai Training
An Independent Muay Thai Association forma SIMTA - Sitnarong International Muay Thai Association founded in 1981 By Grand Master Sken Kaewpadung
It is essential that we keep Muay Thai alive MSA Association is doing As much as they can to Support Clubs Instructors and their students. We are bridging the gaps to help students to keep learning by offering easily accessible training and qualifications both Live and On Line
Read About Who We Are and our Pedigree We our proud of our achievements Being independent we can offer a modern approach without loosing our traditions, quality is the key to our success and the survival of our sport.
Grand Master Sken Kaewpadung has been awarded, recognised & worked alongside many organisation through out his lifetime in Muay Thai

2009 Contribution to Muay Thai & the Country of Thailand - Minister of Sport of Culture and Education of Thailand
2000 Presented Blazer of Honour for the contribution in Muay Thai and Thailand By Minister of Sport Thailand
2012 Life Time Achievement Award By Martial Art Illustrated Authorised by Hall of Fame Authority
2014 World Wide Martial Arts Council - As Grand Master Of The Martial Arts - Muay Thai

2009 Presented The Honour of Grand Master - By Kru Muay Thai Association
2014 Special Award for the contribution of Muay Thai and Martial Art International Martial Arts Association - Presented By Grand Master Samuel Kwok
1998 Special Award Muay Thai & Krabi Krabong By The IAMTF

2018 United Kingdom Muay Thai Awards Organisation - Pioneer of Muay Thai within the UK
1996 Awarded A Member of Thailand Professional Boxing Council Bangkok Thailand
2011 Special Award By the Canadian Amateur Muay Thai Association
MSA Master Sken
The Birth of SIMTA 1981 & MSA 2010 -2021
SIMTA Sitnarong International Muay Thai Association
The BritishThai boxing Council & SIMTA
In 1985 Sandy Holt Keith Grainger Ann Grainger Grand Master Woody worked tirelessly to find a way to bring Grand master Sken back to the UK from Holland Forming the British thai boxing council with the help and support of Mr John forester, at the time labour MP for Stoke on Trent worked closely with Mr Stephen Canter his solicitor finally brought him back to the UK shores.
Making Grand Master Sken the chief instructor of the newly founded association
In 1981 Grand Master Sken was granted a work permit and visa to stay in the UK
When Grand Master Sken came back to England he promoted Muay Thai more for sport competition and fitness
The British Thai boxing Council disbanded soon after his return where Grand Master Sken formed his own association SIMTA - Sitnarong international Muay Thai Association
Working alongside his newly formed Sitnarong Camp he produced many Instructors and world champions
Between 1985 -1991 Many SIMTA Champions were fighting and winning
Kru Carl the Cat Thompson Became World Champion
Kru Oliver Harrison - World Champion
Kru Sandy Holt European Champion
Martin Holmes European Champion & World Champion Trained by Po Lindvall under `Grand Master Sken
William Hilditch British Champion
Phil Nurse -European Champion
And many more
SIMTA Growth
SIMTA Instructors also went on to play a large part in the growth of SIMTA creating many British and world champions under the association and Grand Master Sken’s guidance
SIMTA grew over 35 instructors and supported their schools and students to over 4500 members
With The Purpose of SIMTA to support Instructors and their students and to promote Muay Thai through events and promotion through the media and television creating amazing Muay Thai demonstrations in different countries around the world
The SIMTA /MSA Muay Thai Events have been televised around the world by
Screen sport TV Night of combat Thailand Live Television-Screen sport and Euro sport
SIMTA /MSA - Grading
The SIMTA /MSA Grading system has been developed to help students to understand Thailand and its Culture, Muay Thai and Muay Boran showing instructors how to teach students of all abilities and levels
SIMTA - MSA promote quality Muay Thai through a deep understanding of the sport and safe instruction.
Accepted by the Martial Art Commission in 1981 SIMTA has used the grading system to support and grow SIMTA/ MSA instructors to develop their schools
Over a lifetime of investment Grand Master Sken MSA has carried the SIMTA legacy on and emerged strong with a mission to continue to give quality training in all aspects of Muay Thai
If you are an Instructor or club and would like to Join The MSA Association or apply to become a member as an MSA Affiliate Club Join Us please contact us at
Under the guidance of Grand Master MSA Association will continue on where SIMTA has left off.